Friday's urgent and uncontrolled detours into gaming ephemera
Friday's urgent & uncontrolled detours into gaming ephemera. In other words, really really short peek into gaming-related things I've stumbled across lately. :o)
The FUUUDGE! (you know, the one with three Us) will, of course, continue in a couple of weeks' time. But the stuff is really hard to present in an easily digestible form, so currently I'm, umm, like, waiting for the key to drop from the sky. Right now I just want to show you something neat!
First, some music. I want to hear Antti practice this and play it during one of our daily scrum sessions. A banging OC Remix of one of the most memorable themes in the original Donkey Kong Country:
Mikko, did you hear Full Throttle is being remastered?! It'll be out in 2017, and only a PC version was announced, but I'm guessing the one & only real gaming system will be getting it's hands greasy before too long as well...
What? Because you can take iPad to the toilet. That's why.
Here's wot RockPaperShotgun says:
Mikko was the one who recommended me '80 Days' (which I HAVE started, but stopped since I can't get enough of FTL, but will, some day, hopefully, doubtfully), so I hope you'll like this, because there's a promising new title to the small crowd of text-based travelling simulations: Where the Water Tastes Like Wine.
Onto the next one... OWW, BRAIN FREEZE!
Now, breathe, Janne, breathe. Seppo and Juho - and hopefully others - have I got news for you... And no, Brain Freeze is not a game.
I thought I'd just post about Elite: Dangerous: Horizons (the "add-on") but then I watched the trailer and I'm instantly (like the speed of light, but faster) reduced to froth-mouthing hyperboles. Alice O'Connor from RPS obviously foresaw this and wrote a calming, soothing and fittingly suspicious short news article on the topic :
Seppo, didn't I say the pricing on that game was wonky as hell? :o) Juho, I'm sorry for pushing you to buy the original game before remembering that the pricing model was wonky as hell. I kindasorta did remember, but the crazy Steam sale made me go "SOD IT, I'M BUYING THIS".
Meanwhile on a firm ground, in the land of arrows and knees... If you've played Skyrim and passed the first 20 minute mark, I salute you. I couldn't have done it myself. I'm thankful I never bought the soddy game. Here's Extra Credits saying how sucky the opening is. This made me remember why I stopped playing Oblivion:
And why I most probably will not buy their Fallout 4. :o)
Here's a quick link I promised to send Olli, where the editor of the magnificient PBS Game/Show talks about Mario Maker and why internet is failing at making the most out of it. Kind of feels like Nintendo didn't quite understand people's need for really creating something new within the constraints of the Mario world, and they really didn't want people to step outside those constraints. That's our Nintendo allright!
And for all of you, there will be a System Shock remake AND System Shock 3. SHOCK AND AWE:
HL3 confirmed!!
Oh well.
Until next time! Take care!
- Janne
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